Tuesday 1 April 2008

Homework Questions........

What is citizen journalism?

Citizen journalism is a style of journalism which is becoming increasingly popular. It basically consists of the audience being actively involved with a media source. Examples are e-mails sent to a media source which are them published as part of an article, videos sent to media sources which are then used as part of the audience's consumption such as during the terror attacks, etc.

What ideas does Emily Bell present in her article?

The main ideas Bell portrays are :

  • Digital technology is leading to democratisation of media.
  • The speed, volume and type of technology has been made possible by the internet, broadband and digitised media sources.
  • Unmoderatied blogs on websites may 'raise eyebrows' as to how they will be controlled.
  • The media sources have to incorporate the ideas of these audience's into their select media.
  • Media technologies have to learn to grow with their new communities.

What ideas does the video portray?

The video portrays the power of the internet on society and shows us that in a few years tme, people will rely on digital technology heavily and tells us that such digital companies will take over.

1 comment:

Nosferatoby said...

I dont really like anything you put here saad...see me after class. :(

(i hate you a little bit)