Friday, 18 April 2008

Distribution of films - new oppurtunities.

The film industry is forever evolving and finding new ways to allow their audiences to enjoy their films.
Consumers want fast, cheap and good quality films available to them easily and too many people are turning to illegal downloading from the entertainment hub that is the PC to get these things. The film industry wants secure distribution of their films and a business model that will provide them with profit as well as security.
It seems that the internet is now becoming a new distribution channle along with DVDs and CDs. If the film industry is to use this new route, it needs to come up with a legal way to make money whilst delivering fast, high-quality films that will appeal to consumers.
Technology advancements could lead to less buffering delays, which would give the consumer what they want in a quicker time than ever before.
The internet may be the future, but the film industry is still finding ways to enhance the current distribution channels they have. DVDs have been developed to be able to hold up to four films and still play them all with high quality.

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